

For about three years one of the most entertaining things I have been doing has to be online role-playing--and I'm pretty much Pern-devoted. Pern is the wonderful series created by Anne McCaffrey dealing with dragons in a fantasy world which its colonists called PERN: Parallel Earth, Resourses Negligible.

Right now I play on three different Pern games: Harper's Tale, PernMUSH, and SouCon. (Click here for a tour of the scenery around Pern that I'm creating with the Terragen rendering program)

Harper's Tale is the MOO I've been on the longest--nearly two years, which for me is quite amazing. There I'm known as Annalee, rider of blue Erranth, Wingleader of Mudslide Wing and weyrmate to S'phen, former leader of High Reaches Weyr. At PernMUSH I can be found as Alessandra, assistant headwoman at Telgar Weyr, while her sister Caelia is found at Southern Weyr on SouCon, currently a candidate for Tiarnath and Rnayth's current clutch.

The girls' descriptions are as follows:

Sapphire eyes of startling intensity move to meet yours, gaze for gaze, hiding neither the haunted coldfire or vibrant, warm truefire that dances and sparkles within those deeply blue orbs. A bemused grin tweaks the corners of ruby lips upward in her smooth ivory face, lighting further her already luminescent and delicate features. Long, thick hair of ebony and velvet shines as it cascades nearly to her ankles. Occasionally a single blue-black strand will fall forward, only to be pushed back with slim, long, strong Harper's hands. Simply by the way she walks, you can tell she is of the Harper Hall--Shoulders are back, chin is lifted, back is straight. A heart of fire, a soul of song: That is Annalee.
Ebony wherhide hued nearly midnight blue in their darkness enfolds this young woman, softly brushed leather of her pants clinging tight and tucking into sapphire-blue laced boots that come to nearly her knees. Over her pants slide a thin sapphire-blue tunic, made of the same brushed wherhide, but so smooth to the touch it feels like cloth. Tategoto perches carefully on Annalee's upper right arm. Aijin clings, tail wrapped 'round lower left arm, to Annalee. Lyrial clings to Annalee's upper left arm. Ciriana has claimed Annalee's left shoulder.
Annalee wears on her finger a deep blue ring in the shape of a coiled dragon. The ring itself is made from polished azure. The head of the ring is probably the first part that catches your eye. The head of this magnificent blue dragon gazes skyward endlessly as if looking for trouble. The detailed ridges and mouth are almost breathtaking in itself if it weren't for the eyes. The eyes of the dragon are saphires cut to glow if any light is cast upon it. Following the neck back, you reach the broadest and by far the largest portion of the ring, the body of the dragon. The dragon's wings are partially unfurled further signifying it's poise towards the heavens. Following the intricate back ridges beyond the torso, the tail stretches out until the club-style tip of the tail comes into contact with the base of the neck, thus completing the ring. On the inside of the ring is the inscription, 'with love from S'phen,' and the smithcraft symbol.
Royal blue, black, and harper blue twine and twist over Annalee's shoulder, black and brown marking her the Mudslide Wingleader of High Reaches Weyr, and lifemate to blue Erranth.

Bumbly-round and just the slightest bit stubby, this pudgy young dragon is a clear, bright harper blue; rubbed in, polished with care, his hide does not vary but for the barest, careless scatter of darker indigo dimpling his padded back. The freckles fade once more as tripping 'ridges reach his head -- a head that is just a bit too big for his foreshortened neck, for all its darling, snub-nosed muzzle. Still, his legs are also short, finished with neatly curved talons that gleam a glossy black. Rounded wings hang from harp-smooth wingspars, their sails resined with a bit of mischievous chalk that also roughens his uneven tail. Those extremities -- sail and spar, tail and talon -- all mirror his mood in a way that innocent eyes do not.
Deeply purple riding straps wind their way around Erranth's blue form, padded on the underside of the straps with cloth and fleece so they don't rub. Two shiny buckles connect and keep them secure--plus four other sets of smaller, thinner buckles shine, showing off a peculiar little trend: sapphire leather detachable tassels dangle down, about three handsbreadths long.
He is 27 meters long, with a wingspan of 45 meters.

Cascades of ebony sweep to her back, raven locks accented by highlights of what can only be called imperial purple. Pale skin is made more markedly so by dark eyes of that same curious purple hue, set over a small nose almost too pert. Full lips curve warmly, their roseate hue setting off the darkness of her eyes. Long arms and legs complete her frame, bringing her height to five feet and nine inches, and she looks to be around 24 Turns, 0 months, and 15 days old.
Deepest black encompasses this young woman, in the form of a tunic that drifts to mid-thigh, sueded wherhide pants, and long boots that lace up nearly to the knees with a heel that adds an inch to her height. Long hair is let down out of a confining braid and drifts near her ankles.

The kiss of night graces this woman's form with a mane of hair so deeply auburn that it looks like black fire in darker lights, falling liquid to her knees in rippling waves. Pale skin is accented by both her hair and the two emerald jewels set in her face, her primary feature that overshadows her too-pert nose and almost too-full lips, and long legs bring her height to five feet and ten inches.
Around Cae's upper frame winds a white halter-top, stopping at the midriff. Her shorts are a light tan, lacing up both sides until just past both hips.
Around one shoulder is a single-stranded white candidate's knot.